Contact Information
Coaching4Careers Ltd
Personal and career development specialists supporting organisations and individuals.
Coaching4Careers Ltd (C4C) has been created by Linda Butler and Emma Ford, we work with our amazing community of associates, and Julie Thomson who manages our accounts and administration. We all work in an area we are excited about; people, their potential, and their futures. We are professional and career development specialists supporting NHS Trusts, schools, colleges, business schools, universities, research centres, corporates, small businesses, organisations, and individuals, through coaching, coaching panels, coach supervision, courses, workshops and webinars.
Our associates are all expert in their fields: accredited coach training, mediation, mentoring, leadership, teams, skills development, conversations, conflict, resilience, well being, career development and management ............ If you need or your team need development we will have someone in our community who can help you.
Our relationships are ongoing and long term; we are proud to be considered sounding boards and trusted friends by our clients. Our associates share our ethos and connect with clients to ensure they are developing and delivering what is needed and expected.