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Thames Valley inward investment report highlights local business communities’ performance

New investments from foreign owned companies and expansions have continued to rise in the Thames Valley during the 2016/17 financial year. The report highlights the strong performance of Berkshire (68 FDI projects) and Oxford (37 FDI projects) who recorded their highest levels of investment creating 1,386 and 779 new jobs respectively.

Projects by industry sectors included Advanced Engineering, Life Sciences & Healthcare and Creative Industries and ICT with a higher than UK average proportion of the projects being classified high value wins (42%). The highest level of investment came from the Americas followed by EMEA and Asia Pacific.

The report, produced by the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce (TVCC), in collaboration with the region’s Local Enterprise Partnership’s (LEPs) is the second regional annual inward investment report and covers the 2016/17 period. It provides a detailed breakdown of foreign direct investment into the Thames Valley, since 2011/12, accounting for the types of projects, number of jobs created, regional investment and market sectors that operate in the region. A series of individual case studies have also been included showcasing how organisations have successfully made the move, highlighting that the Thames Valley and UK remains open for business.

Paul Britton, CEO at the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce commented: “Our inward investment report highlights, once again, the outstanding performance of the Thames Valley and charts ongoing successes for those that are already here. Whether it’s expansion plans, opening new operations or a merger and acquisition the report provides an insider view on who is investing into the region and how.

“It’s evidence too, that the Thames Valley is the UK’s true ‘turbo-region’ contributing significantly to the success of the UK as the number one destination in Europe for FDI. The region is a tried and tested destination for FDI and our role, working alongside the LEPs, is to help ensure we remain competitive and we encourage Government to continue investment and to commit to investment in our region. This includes, during 2017/18, continuing to lobby for the delivery of major infrastructure projects, such as the 3rd runway at London Heathrow airport and the Western Rail Link to Heathrow (WRLtH).”

TVCC works with businesses, LEPs and the Department for International Trade Investment Services Team across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Providing ongoing inward investment support and services to both existing and new UK and foreign owned companies looking to set up and grow their business in the Thames Valley. Access the report: Inward-Investment-Report-2017

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Head of Marketing & Communications

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