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Owen Mumford is proud to announce that it has recertified with ISO 14001

Having been initially certified in 2009, Owen Mumford is proud to announce that it has been recertified with ISO 14001 following a five-day audit with SGS.

ISO14001 is an international standard designed to support businesses as they look to improve their environmental management systems, helping to reduce impact by improving operations and processes, better using resources, and reducing waste. The certification is awarded to businesses that demonstrate key operational and infrastructural processes that support positive environmental impact and is reviewed every three years to ensure compliance.

Along with identifying no instances of non-compliance across the business, the new Owen Mumford site at Witney has also been added to the scope of the system, reinforcing its position as a future-facing manufacturing facility designed to support Owen Mumford’s sustainability strategy.

Key improvements over the last three years included the overall reduction of waste across Owen Mumford’s sites, the proportion of waste sent for recycling rather than landfill or incineration, and impressive reporting systems for waste and energy. Furthermore, Owen Mumford’s lifecycle assessment technology, which enhances visibility into the cradle-to-grave circular economy of its products, such as the Aidaptus auto-injector, was recognised as a key component of its sustainability strategy.

“Having an ISO environmental management system helps us to qualify our environmental and sustainable credibility with customers such as the UK National Health Service and global pharmaceutical companies and supports our ongoing mission to embrace sustainability into our business operations,” said Group Quality & Regulatory Affairs Director, Paul Smith. “We’re proud to have held the standard for 15 years – an achievement made possible by our committed team at Owen Mumford.”

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Sarah Irving

Head of Marketing & Communications

Direct dial: 01753 870500

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