The grounds of Howbery Business Park are providing a therapeutic backdrop for a new treatment room for dementia patients, which has been set up by a local doctor.
Dr Casey, who specialises in dementia in his full-time role for the NHS, has begun offering a pioneering treatment out-of-hours in Howbery Park’s Manor House.
“At Howbery, I am offering an add on treatment for people with Alzheimer’s using the Neurolith Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) machine (Venn Healthcare, UK and Storz Medical AG, Tägerwilen, Switzerland), which received a medical CE-mark in December 2018,” explains Dr Casey. “I really like it because it is non-invasive and painless – it uses sound waves to stimulate areas of the brain identified in a scan. As a new treatment, the evidence base is still growing, so we’re collaborating with Dr Marco Fabus from the University of Oxford who has a background in both physics and medicine.
“I already knew the park as my children go to Puddleduck Nursery here, and I thought the setting would be ideal for my clinic. Our patients like the grounds and the historic architecture, which have a more therapeutic feel than a hospital. The parking is also a lot easier. Some of our patients travel some distance to get here, and enjoy spending time in the Howbery grounds and discovering Wallingford.”
Dr Casey plans to expand the clinic (Neuro Clinics UK) by inviting other doctors to offer pioneering treatments for neurological and psychiatric conditions, now that it has received Care Quality Commission (CQC) approval. He is also working with Dr Anastasia Demina, at the Dijon Bourgogne University Hospital and University of Burgundy, to summarise the results of patient outcomes from across Europe, Asia and America.
Howbery Park Estates Manager Donna said: “We are so pleased to hear that visitors appreciate our grounds, as we work hard to maintain our grounds for people and wildlife to enjoy, including ongoing tree preservation and biodiversity programmes.”