Engaging companies to ensure that the Government delivers a ‘business friendly’ Brexit has been named as the number one policy priority by Chamber Councils and their members across the Thames Valley. Local Councils represent diverse and vibrant business community from global brands to owner managed and smaller businesses which are essential to local economies.
The seven key policy statements covered Bracknell, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Reading & Wokingham, Slough, Swindon and West Berks were formally presented at the Assembly of Chamber Presidents.
Securing the right Brexit deal for each community was determined as crucial for the future of individual regions. Outlining priorities for the next 12/18 months each statement was fully endorsed and supported by the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Paul Britton, CEO of the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce commented: “Thames Valley businesses have spoken. Over the coming months, we will be working alongside each local Chamber Council and the British Chambers of Commerce to ensure that politicians, public policy makers and other key stakeholders are clear about the needs of individual communities.
“As one of the UK’s most successful regions, a proven destination for inward investment and a significant origin of export orientated trading companies, we are keen to secure economic prosperity throughout the Thames Valley region, with the local Chamber Council playing a crucial role in helping shape, frame and deliver tangible solutions.”